It has been a great year for Little Miss Plant City 2014 Queen Lacie Collins and her court, but it is time for her to pass on that title to another girl who will have the opportunity to represent her town for the next year.
Though Little Miss Plant City, sponsored by the Plant City Junior Woman’s Club, bears some resemblance to a pageant, its intention is different from other competitions of poise and personality.
“This really isn’t a pageant,” event chairwoman Stephanie Eisenbach said. “It’s more of a contest for us, because these girls are going to represent our club throughout the year.”
The main rules for entering are that contestants must be 8 to 10 years old as of Feb. 1, 2015, and they must live within the geographical bounds of Plant City. In fact, if the queen moves outside of Plant City during her reign, she must forfeit the remainder of her reign.
The maximum number of contestants is 50. This year, there will be 30 girls competing. They are judged based on their poise, stage presence and overall confidence. Pageant dresses are not allowed, so the girls wear dresses intended for parties or church.
“People tend to like the introductions of the girls, when they get on stage and say their name and do their 30-second intro,” Eisenbach said.
Intermission is also a well-liked part of the Little Miss Plant City event. During this time, there is a formal farewell for the previous year’s queen and court, with a slideshow and presentation.
The contest is a fundraiser for the Shoe Project, through which the club donates shoes and socks to children in need. This year, the club expects to donate about 700 pairs of shoes and socks, distributed among 14 Plant City-area elementary schools.
Throughout their reign, the queen and court will represent the Junior Woman’s Club at community events such as the Florida Strawberry Festival Grand Parade. At some of these events, they actively participate in raising more money for the Shoe Project.
“They get out there and they have their little collection buckets … and they love it, too,” Eisenbach said.
Each contestant receives four free tickets but anyone may attend the contest for $10.
Date: 6 p.m. Saturday, April 18
Location: Plant City High School, 1 Raider Place
Tickets: $10 at the door
More information: gfwcplantcityjuniors.com
Contact Catherine Sinclair at csinclair@plantcityobserver.com.