Eighteen men and women are hoping to become delegates for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
Plant City-area Democrats will soon be able to vote for delegates for the upcoming Democratic National Convention.
The Bruton Memorial Library will serve as Greater Plant City's polling place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 7. District 15 voters may also vote at the West Tampa Library, 2312 W. Union St., Tampa.
Due to the results of the Florida primary, Hillary Clinton will have one female and two male delegates, while Bernie Sanders will have one of each.
Hillary Clinton
Men: William W. Wilbanks Jr., Jack Charles Wolff, Lionel S. Washing
Women: Anita L. Balch, Elizabeth J. Belcher, Andrea A. Braboy, Stephanie Marie Garza, Leatrice Ione Townsend
Bernie Sanders
Men: Ahmed M. Bedier, Christopher Carlos Cano, Corey Koch, Christopher D. Martinez, Walter J. O'Rourke, Ricky Fernando Shirah
Women: Sharron Gill Balic, Lacy Nicole Fowler, Jessica Brillson Vaughn, Anna Lou Weeks