Yolanda Plaza never expected to get the phone call she received Aug. 22, while at work. A frantic neighbor was on the line.
Yolanda’s house was on fire.
“She wanted someone to tell her it wasn’t true, that is was a joke,” interpreter Elda Romero said.
But, it wasn’t a joke. When Plaza got to her house, firefighters were battling the flames.
A friend who was staying at the house, along with Yolanda’s dog, were able to escape.
But, the house was in ruins. The living room, kitchen and one of four bedrooms all were charred completely.
Yolanda’s 5-year-old son, Jesus Jimenez, arrived home from a long day of school at Bailey Elementary, just after the fire was extinguished. When he got off the school bus, he saw the commotion of firefighters. He immediately started calling for his mother.
“He looked very confused,” Plaza said. “He was sad. He was very sad.”
Jesus asked about all their clothes and his dog.
“We’re OK,” Plaza said. “Everything else will be OK.”
The house off U.S. 92 still has a hole in the roof as evidence of the blaze, which was started by a gas leak. Yolanda and her husband were renting the house. The owners told her they were going to raze it, forcing the family to search for a new home.
And, thanks to Madison Brewer, Plant City’s pint-sized fundraising princess, that task is complete. Madison, a fellow Bailey student, learned of the fire and sprang into action. Utilizing her own organization, Madison’s Mission, she raised $380 and a $50 Publix gift card in just two weeks.
Yolanda and her husband used $300 of the money to put a deposit down on a new apartment. They chose the apartment as a temporary residence, so Jesus still could attend Bailey.
“I wanted to give them money, so they could buy stuff,” Madison said.
“Every project we do, we always run it through her,” her mother, Deanna Brewer, said. “She wanted to do it.”
Madison founded Madison’s Mission about a year ago and used empty milk jugs to raise money for a variety of causes. To date, she has raised money for a Thanksgiving dinner for one family and Christmas presents for others.
For Jesus’ family, Madison took to Facebook to contact potential donors. She’s also collected clothing and blankets.
“She does it all on her own,” said Bailey ELL resource teacher Chris Silva. “She’s an amazing kid. She’s old beyond her years to want to help her friends and those in need.”
Silva isn’t without recognition, either.
“Ms. Silva, too, has been helping a lot,” said Romero, also an ELL paraprofessional teacher at Bailey. “When she heard about it she said, ‘You’re going to be my interpreter and helper.’ We went to the store and bought food and clothes.”
Although the family has a temporary apartment, Yolanda said she hopes to find a permanent home. They forever will remember their Bailey family’s support.
“It has helped me a lot,” Yolanda said. “And Jesus is very happy. He feels very loved at this school.”
Contact Amber Jurgensen at ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com.