Plant City Observer

Meet 2025 Florida Strawberry Festival Court Member Makinley Jensen

Photo Courtesy of Jose Lozoya

2025 Florida Strawberry Festival court member Makinley Jensen, daughter of Jess and Rhonda Jensen, is a junior at Plant City High School and dual-enrolled at Hillsborough Community College. Her goal is to always make a positive impact on everyone she encounters.

She’s looked up to the poised young ladies on the court since she was a little girl. This will be her year to have younger girls look up to her.

She’s ready for the challenge. “The Florida Strawberry Festival is such an amazing part of the community and I hope to encourage everyone I meet to enjoy this community as much as I do because it’s changed my life,” she said.

Why did you want to be a part of the Florida Strawberry Festival court?

It’s been a dream of mine ever since I was a little girl and watching the queens court participate in all the activities at the festival. I know that the festival and all the events I will participate in is a way I can have a positive impact on the community. I will have a smile on my face and be that welcoming court member that I’ve always dreamed of.

What advice would you give to other young women who might want to seek this role?

I would definitely tell them to follow their dreams and stay true to who they are no matter what happens. That way, when the pageant is over, whether you’re on the court or not, you become a completely different person. Miss Gail always told us that it didn’t matter if we made it on the court or not because we’d go home with so much we didn’t know before and as such wonderful young ladies. I truly believe that. I know I haven’t had the title long, but I know I have been a changed young lady since I walked into the first social. I took to heart the advice they gave me. It’s amazing how much this pageant can shape you as a person.

What are you most looking forward to about your year on the court?

I’m definitely most excited for the days of the festival because we get to serve our community. We’re all five going to be best friends by then too. I think it’s so special that we’re able to have such a connection with each other while doing what we love because we’re all here for the same reason. We want to serve our community and make it a better place. Being able to do that with people you’re so close with I think will make an impact on us and the community and just be amazing.

Who’s your role model and why?

My role models are definitely my mom and dad. If I’m ever at a time in my life when nobody believes in me, I always go to my parents because they’re my biggest cheerleaders and love me unconditionally. Sometimes we have people in our lives who don’t believe in us. My parents will always believe in me no matter what and that’s so important for me. I’ve had times in my life when I was at a low point but my parents were always there and held my hand every step of the way. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them encouraging me to achieve my dreams.

What is a core memory you have 

attending the Florida Strawberry 


I’ve made so many memories at the festival with my friends and my community. I think the first one I can actually remember is when I was in the baby parade. It was actually my first pageant. I remember seeing the queen and her court and telling my parents that I wanted to be one of those girls one day. It’s important to know that this was a dream I chased most of my life. They reminded me throughout the process that I’ve wanted this since I was a little girl and encouraged me to not let anything hold me back because my community will support me.

What’s your favorite food at the Florida Strawberry Festival?

I show steers at the festival so we have our steers there for about a week. We are at the festival with them for long periods of time and because of that I’ve had the opportunity to try a lot of foods.  I think my favorite is the beef tips and mashed potatoes at the Pickle Barrel stand. After a long day of showing and working with my steer, I just want a fresh food and that’s just my favorite. All the FFA kids go there.

What do you hope to gain by being a member of the 2025 Florida Strawberry Festival court?

I hope to gain four new best friends. People have told us that the experiences we’ll share this year will allow us to form a bond that will last a lifetime. I know I clicked with all all the girls and I couldn’t ask for a better court. These girls are so kind and we’re all after the same thing: we just want to help our community. I also want to feel like I’m making a positive impact on the community and doing it with these girls will be amazing.

What makes Plant City so special?

I definitely think what’s so special about our community is our ability to just come together. We want our community to strive and do amazing things. Even though we have a lot of different backgrounds and histories coming together in Plant City, we all want our community to strive for greatness. It’s so important to me because the people that live in Plant City are my family. We may not be all related but I feel so connected with everyone here. My community is always there for me. They come out and support me. When I show my livestock, there’s a huge crowd cheering for me even though I don’t know all of them. Being a part of the court is amazing because I get to give back to the community that gives me so much.

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