Plant City Observer

Meet court member Jada Brown

Courtesy of Deanna Hurley Photography.

What was your first thought when your name was called?

Breanne Williams. Jada Brown said both of her grandmothers were the women in her life that she most admired.
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It was kind of nerve wracking because I was the last name called. I just remember it being almost a sigh of relief. I looked out into the crowd and saw my family and we were all so excited. I remember feeling overwhelmed, but so happy.

What was your family’s reaction?

My family was very stoked. My nannie, she was crying and I felt very happy she was proud of me. At one point she almost left the building because she was so nervous when they were calling names. For her to be able to see this, that meant the world to me. My whole family was so happy and proud that I was able to accomplish this.

How would you describe your personality in one word?

Outgoing. I love interacting with other people. Through the pageant process I gained 30 new friends. I hope to gain even more while representing the festival.

What’s something interesting about you?

I’m culturally diverse. In the past there’s not been very many culturally diverse people on the court so I’m honored to be able to add that outlook to the group and to be able to represent others during the festival. I know what this means, after all I’ve been looking at the court my whole life. 

What are you most excited to eat at the festival?

Those really big strawberry milkshakes with fruity pebbles and a whole slice of cake on the top. I can probably finish one by myself. They look so good.

What are you most looking forward to about the festival?

To experience the festival from a different look. To interact with people and really show the festival off from a diverse point of view. Meeting all the people who attend is something I’m really looking forward to.

What is your most used emoji?

The smirk emoji. I send that one all the time.

Who is someone you admire? Who is a woman you admire?

Both of my grandmothers. My mom’s mom is very supportive. Even if she can’t physically help me she finds a way. She bought me my dream dress for the pageant, it meant so much to me. My other grandma recently passed away, but she showed so much love to us… She was one of the strongest women I know. A woman I admire is the current Miss America, Nia Franklin. I love working with children and she and I have that in common. She’s such an inspiration.

What is a book or story from childhood that had an impact on your life?

The Magic Treehouse books. When I read the books as a child they lead me into a fantasy adventure that took me all over the world. They went everywhere and saw all kinds of things throughout history. 

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