Five of Dover Elementary School’s top “mathletes” tested their mental mettle against peers from other district schools in the MathBowl District Championship March 25, at Raymond James Stadium, in Tampa.
The competition was special partnership between the Hillsborough County Elementary Math Council and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. All of the math problems were related to Buccaneer history, player stats and community projects. The winning team received a framed certificate signed by Bucs Head Coach Lovie Smith.
And although they didn’t cream the competition, the Plant City-area fifth-graders certainly have cultivated a love of all things numerical. Gifted teacher Kyley Martin chose the the team members by administering a qualifying test. The top scorers were then brought together in a mock competition to see if they had team chemistry.
Nelson qualified for the district championship by winning first place in the area competition in December. They didn’t learn about the competition until February and had been studying enthusiastically to prepare. The team practiced every day in the morning and after school on some Mondays.
“We’ve been working so hard,” Martin said.
For the students, the competition is more of a game or puzzle than actual tedious schoolwork. The teammates each have a deep passion for math.
“Whenever you’re doing it, some people find it easy and some people struggle,” Alejandro Lara said. “So, whenever I’m done with math early and there’s still time left, I ask my teacher if I can help the people who need help.”
Teammate Mara Crousset barely learned how to speak English several years ago. But today, math is her favorite subject.
“The numbers are always the same,” Crousset said. “I like math, because of the control you have with it.”
Teammate Trevor Valent said he enjoyed the process of preparing for and competing in the MathBowl.
“It’s good to feel you’re competing,” he said. “You’re smart and have a lot of knowledge to do this.”
Contact Amber Jurgensen at ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com.
Nelson Elementary MathBowl Team
Gabe Augustine, 11
Mara Crousset, 11
Zander Fisk, 10
Alejandro Lara, 10
Trevor Valent, 10
Apollo Beach
Deer Park
Hunter’s Green