Drivers should adhere to all road signs.
In a move aimed at enhancing road safety and traffic flow, city officials have installed a series of all-way stop signs and implemented strict no-parking regulations along Wilder Rd. between East Sansone Boulevard and the Plant City Tennis Center, a notoriously busy and accident-prone thoroughfare.
The improvements come after residents expressed concerns about the driver safety because, during sporting events at Mike Sansone Park, drivers parked along the right-of-ways on Wilder Road, causing line-of-sight issues for motorists turning from Cherry Street. In response to these concerns, the city’s transportation department partnered with Hillsborough County, who owns and maintains Wilder Road, to come up with a solution to the problem. After investigating the problem, city officials determined the best course of action would be the all-way stop to act as a traffic calming feature and the no parking signage. “Hillsborough county got on board rather quickly and they fully supported the change,” said Traffic Operations Manager Fred Baxter.
The improvements, with the county providing the signage and the city providing the installation, were completed Sept. 25.
Here are the key changes:
1. All-Way Stop Signs:
Two stop signs have been strategically placed at the intersection of Wilder Road and Cherry Street. This change now forces vehicles on all sides of the intersection to come to a complete stop before proceeding. It should be noted the flashers are temporary and will be removed within two weeks.
Implementing all-way stop signs will lead to more orderly traffic and minimize the chances of accidents caused by drivers failing to yield the right-of-way.
2. No Parking Zones:
In addition to the all-way stop signs, strict no-parking regulations have been enforced on a section of Wilder Road. These zones are clearly marked every 100 feet with signage to inform motorists of the restrictions. No parking will be allowed on Wilder Road between East Sansone Boulevard and the Plant City Tennis Center.
Plant City Police Department urges residents and commuters to adhere to the new traffic control measures and respect the no-parking zones. “The Plant City Police Department is committed to ensuring the safety of all who attend city parks and sponsored events,” said PCPD Captain Al Van Duyne. “This includes enforcing all applicable state statutes and city ordinances, in an effort to reinforce our position that safety is paramount for all park visitors.”