By Arden White | Staff Intern
Plant City’s First Baptist Church has a new worship pastor. Ken Van Cura’s first day was Sunday, Aug. 23. Van Cura is in charge of directing the worship and music ministry at the North Palmer Street church.
He’s the perfect man for the job. This January he released his very own album titled “Everything.” The Christian rock album is available on iTunes, and the track list is full of praise and worship songs.
“I come from a musical family,” Van Cura said. “Both my mom and dad are classical musicians. My dad is a world-famous voice teacher, and my mother is a concert pianist. As a family, we always felt called to participate in music ministry for our church. So I guess I just come by it honestly.”
Van Cura took the place of Pete Battaglia, who retired last year after working with the church for over 25 years. Though they are big shoes to fill, Van Cura is very enthusiastic about getting this opportunity.
“I’m very excited to be joining such an amazing team of pastors and folks that are excited and committed to the future of First Baptist Church,” Van Cura said.
Van Cura isn’t the only person who is excited about his new position.
“I’m excited because he will be bringing a new contemporary style of music, as well as keeping the traditional, so hopefully that will help merge the younger and older generations within the church,” Abby Miller, a youth member of First Baptist Church, said.
Van Cura is also looking forward to being more than a music leader.
“(I want to be a) true pastor and lead First Baptist Church into a worship lifestyle,” Van Cura said. “It’s more than just music to me.”
“Ken is very talented and is just an overall great fit for the team,” Dr. Brian Stowe, senior pastor of Plant City First Baptist Church, said. “It’s great because he’s so people oriented and has great goals to bring people to worship. I believe he will be great for all generations.”
This is not Van Cura’s first time in this position. Van Cura has recently been a worship pastor for Grove Avenue Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia. He gave his last worship service there Sunday, Aug. 9.
“Ken has laid a wonderful foundation for worship of all generations at our church,” Mark Becton, senior pastor at Grove Avenue Baptist Church of Richmond, said.
He has moved to Plant City with his wife, Cherrie, and his two sons, Aidan, 13, and Ashton, 8.
“I think the new worship pastor is going to bring a new level of energy to the church,” church member Bri Lee said. “I think we will bring a change to our church that we have needed for a long time.”