The Empty Bowls Project benefiting the United Food Bank and Services will take place on Saturday, November 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Robert W. Willaford Railroad Museum in downtown Plant City on Palmer Street.
The event features the Plant City Community Chorale, followed by saxophonist Larry Clark, and band Ace Jackson and the Jump Kings. A live auction will be held between entertainers.
Tickets for the lunch and also for the raffle of the beautiful Community Bowl will be available at the event and at the food bank. Community Bowl raffle tickets are also available at the Mainstreet office downtown.
All proceeds from this art and lunch fundraiser will benefit the food bank.
The 2024 property tax roll will open on November 1, with resources available to support property owners as part of a recent relief initiative following Hurricanes Milton and Helene. For those who want to pay early, secure and convenient online payment options are currently available through hillstax.org. This initiative provides extended relief measures and flexible payment options to help residents navigate the tax season while focusing on recovery.
The four percent early payment discount period has been extended to December 31, 2024. Thought 535,500 property tax notices will not be mailed until November 25, 2024, taxpayers can view their bills and pay them online now.
Property owners have the following options for paying their 2024 property taxes:
Online Payments: Available starting October 28, 2024, through hillstax.org. Online payment options include either debit/credit card or by “e-Check,” which is a free electronic payment from your checking account.
In-Office and Drop Box Payments: Accepted starting November 1, 2024, at all Hillsborough County Tax Collector offices.
Mail Payments: Postmarked on or before the deadline dates. There are also alternative payment options available. Taxpayers can make partial payments towards their 2024 property taxes, but certain restrictions apply. Taxpayers also have the option to plan ahead and apply for the installment plan for the 2025 tax season, which allows taxes to be paid in quarterly increments throughout the year and still take advantage of discounts.
Property owners impacted by the hurricanes may also access support resources for reporting damage and exploring tax relief options using the Hillsborough County Property Appraiser’s Damage Assessment Form at https://dmz.hcpafl.org/storm, email StormDamage@hcpafl.org, or call the property damage hotline at (813) 272-6332.
For further assistance and information on payment options and relief resources, please visit hillstax.org.
Early voting for the November election runs from October 21 through November 3; 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The polling location in Plant City is Bruton Memorial Library, 302 W. McLendon Street. Election Day is November 5; 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at your regular polling location.
The East Hillsborough Historical Society is pleased to announce the 47th Annual Pioneer Day celebration will be held on Saturday, November 2, at the historic 1914 Plant City High School Community Center, 605 North Collins Street. Hours for Pioneer Day will be 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The event welcomes food and craft vendors, pioneer exhibits, and the display of homemade and historic quilts. The family-oriented, free, all-day celebration will include live entertainment, a train ride for kids, and a day of fun.
The event features a Pioneer Museum and the Henry B. Plant Railroad Historical Society’s model train layout at the location. Other museum exhibits, heritage demonstrations, clogging, dancing, singing, and much more can be seen at the Pioneer Day.
Exhibits in The Classroom Gallery include the Seminole and Miccosukee People of Florida, and paintings by Dorothy Greenlee Fascenda, and her mother, Marie D. Greenlee.
Descendants of pioneering families who have lived in the Eastern Hillsborough County area for one hundred or more years are eligible to receive a Pioneer Certificate. Applications are available in the Archives Center or email info@ehhsoc.org.
Application forms for Pioneer Day vendors and events are available by contacting the EHHS office or visiting the website https://ehhsoc.org/pioneer-day-vendors/.
For information, contact EHHS (813) 757-9226; or email info@ehhsoc.org; or email Shelby Bender at sbenderpc@aol.com; or go to http://www.ehhsoc.org.