News briefs for the week of Nov. 22 include a workshop about utility rates, two additional solid waste collection holidays in 2024 and a cut-your-own Christmas tree sale.
City Commission Holds Workshops Regarding Utility Rates
The City Commission is holding workshops to discuss proposed development fees for new construction, proposed water and wastewater rates and miscellaneous fees, proposed stormwater rate structure changes and proposed stormwater rate per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) to ensure the city’s utility revenues will be sufficient to meet the operating and capital needs of each system. The first workshop was held Mon., Nov. 13 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. when Murray Hamilton with Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. gave a presentation related to a Water, Wastewater Rate Study, Water and Wastewater Development Fees and a Stormwater Rate Study. The second workshop, which is open to the public, will be held on Mon., Nov. 27 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at City Hall. During the City Commission meeting that evening at 7:30 p.m., the commission will schedule a public hearing for Mon., Dec. 11, when commissioners will vote on the proposed changes.
City Adds Two New Solid Waste Holidays for 2024
The City announced at the last commission meeting that it is adding two additional solid waste holidays in 2024: Memorial Day and Labor Day. The additional non-pick up days are due to the fact the refuse facility where the collected trash is taken will now be closed for those holidays. During those weeks, customers who have Monday pickup will receive service on Tuesday, and Tuesday service customers will have their trash picked up on Wednesday. No yard debris collection will occur during those weeks.
Hope Lutheran Assists Plant City Black Heritage Celebration

In a show of solidarity, Hope Lutheran Church’s senior pastor, Rev. Dean Pfeffer, on behalf of his congregation, presented a check for $3,000 to Sharon Moody with the Plant City Black Heritage Celebration. The money will benefit the organization’s “Santa’s Helper” program that assists underprivileged children and families in the Plant City community. Working with the Plant City Kiwanis Club, Christmas gifts are purchased for the Santa’s Helper outreach event. “This is a tremendous opportunity for Hope to reach out and assist those in our community who would not be able to afford Christmas presents for their children,” said Pfeffer. “We value our partnership with Sharon and look forward to working together to help those in our community who are in need.”
Florida Forest Service Annual Sand Pine Christmas Tree Sale Begins
Create a new family tradition by cutting your own Christmas tree. The Florida Forest Service Annual Sand Pine Christmas Tree Sale starts Nov. 27. Trees, 15-feet tall and under, will be harvested along School Bus Road on the Arbuckle Tract of the Lake Wales Ridge State Forest in Frostproof. Trees are available for $10 and will require a special use permit available from its office. Anyone interested will need to bring their own handsaw; power saws are not allowed.
This year, they are hosting a free event, Family Fun Day, on Sat., Dec. 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the McLean Cabin Day Use Area on School Bus Road. There will be a scavenger hunt, wildfire equipment to view, nature crafts and a special visit from Smokey the Bear. For more information call 863-589-0545.
It’s Not Too Late To Apply For FEMA Assistance Related To Loses Due To Hurricane Idalia
It’s not too late for Hillsborough County residential property owners and renters whose homes sustained damage and losses from Hurricane Idalia to apply for FEMA assistance. Apply for disaster assistance by Nov. 29 by visiting DisasterAssistance.gov, using the FEMA app for smartphones or calling 800-621-3362. Phone lines are open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day. The assistance could include financial help for temporary lodging, basic home repairs and other disaster-related expenses.