You can help select the next Plant City police chief!
How often does someone ask you for your opinion? City Manager Bill McDaniel of Plant City wants yours.
The Plant City search for a new police chief drew 100 applicants. Now the field has been narrowed down to the final five candidates. These candidates will appear at a public meet-and-greet event on Thursday, April 25 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Sadye Gibbs Martin Community Center, 302 South Maryland Avenue in Plant City. Those from the community who attend the event will meet the finalists, ask them questions, and give their thoughts about each candidate. McDaniel welcomes your feedback and will review Plant Citians comments prior to making the final selection.
Bringing beauty to Plant City

For nearly 50 years the Arts Council of Plant City has been working to make Plant City a more beautiful community. Among its contributions are bringing the J. Seward Johnson sculptures for exhibit throughout the downtown historic district, producing the Christmas for the Holidays Home Tours, and the winter ChiliFest Cookoff. Also, each year the Arts Council awards four $1,000 scholarships to students graduating from Plant City high schools who are going on to pursue higher education in the arts. To be eligible, students must have at least a 3.5 GPA, have demonstrated community service, and write a 500-word essay about the arts.
The Arts Council of Plant City Board of Directors. Seated (Left to Right) Melissa Tetherly (Secretary), Maggie Carlisle (Treasurer), Gwen Thomas (Vice President), Marsha Passmore (President). Standing (L-R) David Moon, Dodie White, Carol Walker, Frank Cummings, Rachel Dummeldinger, Gil Gott, Darcy Stottlemyer, Erin Schulte
The DEA’s National Take Back Day is April 27

According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the current drug overdose epidemic in the United States is a clear and present danger to public health, public safety, and national security. The DEA’s National Prescription Take Back Day is an initiative to encourage people to safely dispose of unused, unneeded medications to prevent addiction. In Plant City, medications can be dropped off on April 27 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the CVS Pharmacy located at 2302 James L. Redman Parkway. For more information about this event or to escape addiction, go to https://www.DEATakeBack.com.
Alert! Alert! Construction Ahead! Detours!
Warning: construction is coming to Interstate 4 on the westbound on and off ramps from County Line Road to McIntosh Road. The purpose of this project is to resurface the ramps. Ramp closures and accompanying detours are during weekends only and will begin on Fridays at 9:00 p.m. and end on Mondays at 5:00 a.m. The current schedule is below.
County Line Road: May 3 – May 6
Park Road: May 10 – May 13
Wheeler Street/Paul S. Buchman Highway: May 17 – May 20
Alexander Street: May 31 – June 3
Thonotosassa Road: June 7 – June 10
Branch Forbes Road: June 14 – June 17
After the westbound ramps are completed the current plan is for construction to then turn around and work on the eastbound side starting with the Branch Forbes Road on and off ramps and ending with the County Line Road on and off ramps. Dates may be altered due to inability to reach agreements on detours or inclement weather.
The National Day of Prayer in Plant City

The National Day of Prayer is Thursday May 2, 2024. This day is a call for people in the United States to pray for our nation and our leaders. The City of Plant City will observe the day at 12 noon at City Hall in the first floor auditorium. Also, the First Baptist Church Plant City is holding a National Day of Prayer service at 7:00 p.m. at 3309 James L. Redman Pkwy.