Special Meeting Announced To Consider 1914 Building Proposal

The City Commission will hold a special meeting on Monday, July 10 at 5 p.m. at the HCC Trinkle Center, located at 1206 North Park Road, to consider an RFP proposal submission by the East Hillsborough Historical Society relating to the city-owned 1914 building. The regularly scheduled city commission meeting held on the same date will take place at City hall, 302 West Reynolds Street, at 7:30 p.m.
Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce Hosts School Supply Drive
The Chamber is supporting new teachers by hosting a school supply drive. Supplies needed include pencils, notebooks, paper, glue, scissors, crayons, markers, highlighters, tissues, hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes. Items can be dropped off or delivered to the Plant City Chamber office, located at 118 West Reynolds Street. Office hours are Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Freesale Storehouse Thrift Coming to First Baptist Church-Midway

The only thing better than a yard sale is a free sale where all the merchandise is absolutely free. A free sale is coming to First Baptist Church Midway, located at 2902 Midway Rd. On Saturday, June 24 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. A variety of furniture, clothing, household items, art and home decor will be available. Free hot dogs and drinks will also be served. While the items are free, they do accept monetary donations to support their other ministries around the country and throughout the world. For more information visit fbcmidway.org.
Historic Resources Board Meets To Discuss Downtown Project
The Historic Resources Board met Tuesday to discuss case #HRB-2023-03, a request to redefine the Downtown Plant City Commercial Historic District boundary by removing the Wheeler Street Project site, located at 100 S. Wheeler Street. Wheeler Street Station is a mixed-use development, combining commercial and residential elements that will be constructed on the property. Three of the four parcels of land in question, which have been vacant since 2006, are surrounded on three sides by properties that aren’t in the historic district. According to a letter sent to City Manager Bill McDaniel from representatives of Wheeler Street, LLC, the request was made to allow for an increase in the number of residential units that zoning in the historic district would not accommodate, which would make the project more viable due to an increase in construction costs in recent years. The building would remain a four-story structure but approximately 20 residential units would be added to the first and fourth floors.
After public comments and discussion, board member Sandi McGlathery made a motion to disapprove removing the parcels from historical district, which was seconded by Benny Lubrano. The motion passed with a vote of three to one. The request now heads to the city commission.
Root’s Tap Room Announces New Opening Day

In a hilarious Facebook post, Phil Davis, the general manager of Roots Tap Room & Wine Bar made the announcement that, starting July 10th, the downtown establishment will be open on Mondays. Customers seeking a craft beer on Mondays, rejoice.
Hillsborough County Launches Home Sweet Hillsborough
Need assistance navigating the services and benefits provided by a county with a population larger than 11 states? New residents, and even long-timers who call Hillsborough Count home can now turn to Home Sweet Hillsborough, a newly launched digital welcome guide that is a one-stop-shop for a number of services, program and topics of interest that would be useful to a new resident, including family resources, parks, recreation, pets, water services and emergency preparedness.