Donald "Kevin" Popke
Donald “Kevin” Popke, retired 1st Sgt., United States Army, 56, of Valrico, died Sept. 18, 2016.
He was born in Sandusky, Ohio, but as a soldier, home was where he hung his hat. He retired after 22 years as a first sergeant, an airborne ranger in the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment.
He took with him many memories of pre-dawn ruck marches and combat equipment jumps with his men. As a jump master, he was responsible for their lives, a duty he took seriously and continued well beyond his retirement. He remained a friend and mentor to many of his soldiers until his last day.
He was the kind of man who made new friends continually but always nurtured his closest relationships. More than a few men considered him their best friend.
His best friend was his wife, Michelle. They loved each other, “warts and all,” for nearly three decades. He loved his grandchildren with his whole heart.
He was close with his family and loved playing pranks and making weekly calls with his brothers to mess with their dad.
He shared his love of food and wine with many, but some of the best times of his life were with his brother, Todd, and sister-in-law, Phyllis, in Sonoma, California. Over the last few years, many bottles were emptied and many contraband cigars were shared between him and the group of friends who came together and grew into his family.
He created another tribe over the last three years, supporting the Brandon High School wrestling team. He will be missed by many but leaves them better for having known him.
Look twice, save a life.
He is survived by his wife, Michelle; children, Katie, Emily, Brynn and Alex; grandchildren, Macklin, Keegan, Harper and Barrett; mother, Sunnie; sister, Jeanice; brothers, Brett and Todd (Phyllis); mother-in-law, Sandy; and father, Don.
A celebration of life was held Sept. 23, at Hopewell Funeral Home in Plant City.
Committal with military honors followed at Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Kevin Popke Brandon Wrestling Fund at Wells Fargo. The funds will support wrestlers who need financial assistance for tournament entry fees and transportation. His family knows he would like a legacy that continues his desire to serve as a leader and mentor to young men.
Online condolences may be made at HopewellFuneral.com.