The Plant City Optimist Club recognized eight Plant City High School seniors for their outstanding accomplishments during its annual Youth Appreciation Ceremony Oct. 29, at the Plant City Recreation & Parks Department administrative office conference room.
Principal Colleen Richardson and College Career Counselor Sherrie Mueller introduced the students, and Plant City Optimist Club President David Kinghorn presented each with their award.
The students include Taylor Adams, Sara Brummer, Jacob Goad, Casey Hamilton, Robby Knox, Morgan Moody, Nick Rodriguez and Sarah Winter.
For more, visit plantcityoptimistclub.org.
Taylor Adams holds a 5.88 weighted GPA and is in the top 1% of the PCHS Class of 2013. While participating in numerous clubs, she is a part of the tennis team and swim team. Adams has volunteered for many groups, including United Food Bank and First Baptist Church Summer Salt Youth Camp. She was selected as 2012 Athena Society Young Woman of Promise and has shown leadership qualities in her positions as Civinettes Historian and President as well as National Honor Society Vice President.
Sara Brummer maintains a 5.7 weighted GPA and is ranked in the top 2% of her class. She has received several honors, including representing PCHS while attending West Point Society’s Leadership & Ethics Conference and the Republican National Convention — Washington Center Delegate while competing in flag football and as varsity captain of the cheerleading team. She still finds time to volunteer for Metropolitan Ministries, Relay for Life and the High Heel Hike to benefit autism.
Jacob Goad is not only a varsity football player but also is a member of Raider Buddies, Leo and Students Against Destructive Decisions. While carrying a 4.456 weighted GPA, he has served more than 500 hours of volunteer time with Special Olympics, helping youth teams in basketball win a gold medal and qualify for the national championships as well as leading teams in soccer, softball and flag football. Goad is involved with the Trinity Full Gospel Youth Group, is a drummer in the church worship group and is a Panera Bread Student of the Month recipient.
Casey Hamilton brought a 4.97 weighted GPA into the senior class and has excelled from there. He is president of the Thespian Club and director of Raider Television Productions. Hamilton has placed in various oratorical competitions as well as achieving the level of Eagle Scout, collecting nearly two tons of canned food. He has volunteered many hours with United Food Bank, was a staff member at a Christian Youth Camp and is a lay reader at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. Hamilton is a member of the PCHS Executive Council, represented Plant City at the prestigious American Legion Boys State and was awarded a “Superior” in Duet Acting at the Individual Events competition.
Robby Knox has a 4.4 weighted GPA while being captain of the Raider swim team. He is busy as Jr. Civitan vice president and serving in the Students Against Destructive Decisions Club. Knox has volunteered with the PCHS Summer Basketball Camp, Walden Lake Swim Team, Team Santa Project, South Florida Baptist Hospital Fall Fancy, “Team ToMarrow” (raising funds for the National Bone Marrow Registry) and coordinated a cookout/pool party for the residents of Steppin’ Stone Farm. He is active in his First Baptist Church Youth Group and officiates for the Plant City Recreation & Parks Department youth flag football and basketball programs.
Morgan Moody stays busy with her involvement with the flag football team, Civinettes, World Language Club, Best Buddies, Student Government and Senior Executive Council. Along with holding a 5.78 weighted GPA, Moody either currently or in the past has held leadership positions in the aforementioned clubs. She not only represented Plant City at the Rotary Club weeklong Seminar for Tomorrow’s Leaders at Florida Southern College but she also attended a weeklong trip to Washington D.C., sponsored by Congressman Dennis Ross at the Randy Roberts Foundation Congressional Classroom Week. Her volunteering résumé includes High Heel Hike for Autism, Lights of Love, Pioneer Day, United Food Bank, Relay for Life, Special Olympics and more.
Nick Rodriguez holds a 5.77 weighted GPA and volunteers for Students Against Destructive Decisions (president), Executive Council (vice president), Jr. Civitan (sergeant of arms), Relay for Life and Team Santa. He formed “Team ToMarrow,” working with the Be The Match Foundation to raise almost $4,000 for the National Bone Marrow Registry. He is captain of the varsity football team and also is a member of the varsity baseball team. As well as being selected Homecoming King for 2012, he received the Bronze Good Citizenship Medal for Most Outstanding Junior History Student from the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
Sarah Winter is on track to be the PCHS 2013 Senior Class valedictorian, currently ranked No. 1 of the more than 400-member senior class, with a 6.7272 weighted GPA. She holds leadership positions on Student Council, Best Buddies, Thespian Club, Interact Club, National Honor Society and Math Club while being a member of several other service clubs. Winter has received the Florida Girls State Leadership award and West Point Society Ethics Leadership Training, and she received an “Excellent” at the One Act Thespian State Competition. In addition to her volunteer club work, she also helps out with Big Brothers Big Sisters, Special Olympics, Relay for Life and the First United Methodist Church Youth Group.