Plant City Observer

PCHS cosmetology students win state competition

At Plant City High School, the cosmetology department and special needs program mingle to create something that is a cut above. Aspiring beauticians style and care for the beauty — inside and out — of special needs students. It is this relationship that allowed cosmetology students Chloe Christie, Chloe Fuson and Emily Rosenbaum to snag first place in the state community service division at Skills USA April 29.

They will be continuing on to nationals June 21 in Louisville, Kentucky.

To this team of students, the accomplishment of winning was more than just a static set of numbers. The special needs students are their friends and their inspiration.

“I like to get my hair cut, but I mostly like to see Chloe every day,” student Trey Owens said.

Last week, he came in for a haircut by Emmy. The team has taken the win appreciatively, but they have not let it distract them from their goals of satisfying their clients. Trey approved the haircut.

Laurel Ritenbaugh, the teacher that has assisted this team and others like it for the last 13 years, is a major supporter of the cosmetology department’s work.

“Many of these kids are uncomfortable with strangers, and this program allows for them to make friends and get their hair cut by people they know and that they are comfortable with,” Ritenbaugh said.

All three girls have earned the chance to win, will be offered scholarship opportunities and will get to see parts of the country that they normally would not. They plan to fly to Kentucky for nationals in June, after overcoming a big obstacle. Each girl needed $1,272 for travel expenses and registration. The team was concerned about raising $3,816 in such a short amount of time.

But karma came back to them. A few weeks after they won state championships, the girls received an anonymous offer to pay the required expenses in full.

“She and her husband were having their morning coffee, they saw our cause and just decided it was a great thing to fund,” Chloe Fuson said.

The team is overjoyed, and now they can spend their time again focusing on their clients.

Regardless of the winning or losing, the program has not only affected their clients by forging friendships, but the their long-term goals and life plans.

“I want to major in business and own a salon that specializes in special needs, because sometimes they need more attention,” Emily said.

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