Deanna Rodriguez was selected as a recipient of the Anne Frank Humanitarian Award.
The Florida Holocaust Museum sponsors the award to recognizes the “goodness of today’s youth.”
Deanna was selected based on her service to others. She is active in the Be the Match Foundation, which partners with the National Bone Marrow Registry to find donors. Currently her group, Team ToMarrow, has registered over 200 new, potential donors. She is the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life team captain. The team participates each year at the local Relay event at PCHS and has raised over $6,500.
Meral Ginsberg came to PCHS to make the presentation to Deanna.
Deanna was also recognized at a dessert reception at the Florida Holocaust Museum. She received a complimentary, one-year family membership to the museum. She also was given a personalized, glass plaque symbolic of Kristallnacht, Night of Broken Glass, a pivotal turning point of the Holocaust.