Those interested can apply for a spring or summer internship.
The Plant City Photo Archives and History Center has announced that its Intern Program is open for applications for the 2016 spring and the summer terms. The program is designed to provide students the opportunity to learn museum, archives and history center skills in a real-life setting.
The Intern Program was initiated in 2010 and has provided high school-level students, college undergraduate students and graduate students learning opportunities in institution operations, accession and documentation procedures, historical research and writing and archiving techniques.
The program is structured to be flexible in scheduling and each intern will be monitored by both a mentor and by the organization’s executive director, Gil Gott. Programs of work are set out in advance and interns are provided with formats for daily journal entries and checklists. After the completion of the schedule the intern is presented with an evaluation and a final report.
Applications may be submitted beginning Jan. 25 for the spring term and May 31 for the summer term. Interested students can obtain additional information and an application form by visiting the Photo Archives, 106 S. Evers St., or by emailing the executive director at gil@plantcityphotoarchives.org. The office is open for business Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at The office telephone number is (813) 754.1578 and the website is PlantCityPhotoArchives.org.