Plant City Observer

Photo Archives staff members complete professional archives course

The Plant City Photo Archives and History Center staff has completed the month-long, six-part American Association for State and Local History (AASHL) special course on archives and archiving. 

Executive Director Gil Gott and Administrative Assistant Kimberly Hamilton both completed the course and received better than a 90% average on the pertaining exam. 

Administrative Assistant Kimberly Hamilton with her certificate of completion. Courtesy photo.

The online archival course, taught by former state archivist for the Ohio Historical Society Charles Arp, gives lessons on managing and protecting historical records collections to organizations dedicated to preservation. The course covers acquisition practices, categorizing collections and archives' missions. 

The course also covered proper housing of archival collections, and controlled public access to historical collections. Each lesson included an assignment, followed by a final exam. 

The Plant City Photo Archives and History Center has been a member of the AASHL since 2000. The course will help the Photo Archives staff continue to care for and acquire memorabilia from prominent families throughout Plant City, including the DeVane family, the Magann Family and members of the Hopewell community. 

The Plant City Photo Archives and History Center is located at 106 S. Evers St.  

Contact Emily Topper at 




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