“Figure skating. It’s something I can’t do and fun to watch.” Karen Johnson, 52
“Biathlon. I like shooting so it’s cool.” Doug Boudrow, 30
“All of them. Probably our favorite is skating.” Linda Conrad, 77
“That’s a toughie. Hockey. I’m a hockey fan and a lot of guys from my area have been on the teams in the past. My next door neighbor in Massachusetts played on the ’84 team.” Matt McSheehy, 59
“Curling. It’s an interesting sport… the rock has a coarser side and a finer side depending on which way they throw it and they use curling brooms to melt the ice in front of it.” Andrew Brown, 34
“The long ski jumps. That’s good.” Joe Helm, 68
We asked: What is your favorite Winter Olympic sport?