“Labor Day was started to honor those of us that work full time and to be able to give us a place to have a down day. I’m a homeschool mom so I am just enjoying not having to be anywhere.” Cindy Bentley-Roberts, 50
“To give workers a break. I will most likely have a BBQ.” - Donna Dorough, 70
“It was made for a day of rest. You work all year and then you get a day to rest. I’ll probably go eat BBQ or go to my people’s house and have a BBQ.” - Floyd Hughes, 69
“I believe Labor Day was created during the Roosevelt-era to give everyone a day of rest. City Pointe Church has an event at Mike Sansone Park. There will be food and relay races and it’s from 10 to 12." - Jonathan Finley, 33
“I honestly have no idea. I figure it was probably a labor union related situation. I think they just probably created it to give people another day off. I will probably be working.” Logan Mills, 23
“Labor Day I think was created to recognize the hard work of the working class. I was supposed to attend a motorcycle conference but I have to attend a funeral instead.” Pat Lynch, 48
In honor of Labor Day we asked: Why do you think Labor Day was created and what do you plan on doing to celebrate?