Hopewell Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens has partnered to sponsor Around Town.
We asked: what is your favorite animal?
Plant City News and Real Estate
Alexa Roberts, 20 "A giraffe and an elephant are my two favorite. Elephants are really intelligent, and giraffes are just really cool."
Anthony Avioa, 25 "A panda. I don't know why but ever since I can remember my niece called me Panda."
Camila Castro, 19 “A lion because he's so elegant.”
Elise Scarborough, 18 "A bear because they have multiple things they can do.”
Noah Keeney, 19 "A lion, I guess, cause it's dominant."
Richard Combs, 9 "A penguin. They walk funny and look fancy."
Hopewell Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens has partnered to sponsor Around Town.
We asked: what is your favorite animal?
110 E. Reynolds Street Suite 100B Plant City, FL 33563 View Map
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