Hopewell Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens has partnered to sponsor Around Town.
We asked: what was the best April Fools’ Day prank that’s ever been pulled on you?
Plant City News and Real Estate
Colton Kirby, 4 “My friend Luke said my shoes were untied.”
Julie Beam, 55 I was in on it. We told them they had to work on Good Friday due to parent complaints."
Karen Smith, 37 “The brown E’s. You tell everyone you have brownies and it was just brown E’s in a pan. You can’t eat them.”
“We took a picture of my husband, like screaming in the toilet. But my 9-year-old had the flu, and the other one didn’t think it was funny. Probably because he’s 4.”
Hopewell Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens has partnered to sponsor Around Town.
We asked: what was the best April Fools’ Day prank that’s ever been pulled on you?
110 E. Reynolds Street Suite 100B Plant City, FL 33563 View Map
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