"Cops. You get so many different personalities, different types of people, you get to see stuff you wouldn't ordinarily see. Go Gators." — Ahmad Black, 27
"I like SportsCenter. I like working all day, coming home and seeing what happened around the sports world." — Dylan Tice, 20
"Law & Order SVU. I like Olivia Benson." — Amy Pack, 25
"The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, because it's hilarious and both main characters remind me of friends." — Justin Surrency, 34
"The Simpsons, because there's so many different levels of humor. I watch the same episode now when I was 10 and find more mature jokes I didn't get." — Arley Smude, 30
"Mystery Science Theater 3000. It's hilarious. Full of wit. Keeps me laughing for over an hour." — Vicky Saunders, 29
We asked: What is your favorite TV show?
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