What would you like to see come to the Florida Strawberry Festival next year?
Plant City News and Real Estate
“Authors who come in to read books to children, or somebody from the community can bring their favorite children’s book.” — Penny Cheshier
“Bigger Amish doughnuts.” — Meghan Weber
“More bands, another show between 3:30 and 7:30 shows.” — Jarod Barrett
“More vegan options. Vegan strawberry shortcake if they don’t have it already.” — Fabiola Lara
“More cops and less traffic, especially at Branch Forbes and 92. It’s a nightmare. They need to have a police officer there to direct traffic.” — A.T. Wadi
What would you like to see come to the Florida Strawberry Festival next year?
110 E. Reynolds Street Suite 100B Plant City, FL 33563 View Map
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