“Dance. I’m a dance teacher at Drawdy Dance School so it’s what I want to do in my life. It’s my passion and something that I feel comfortable being able to talk on and on and on about.” Aidan Macgirvin, 19
“Social Media. The pros and cons of it.” Grace Denhoff, 17
“OCD. It’s a condition that I have and for school I did it all the time because it’s something not a lot of people know about. It’s really meaningful to my heart so it’s easy to talk about it.” Korina Rodriguez, 18
“I would give it on minimalism, tiny houses and eating raw food. Well I think when you minimize your belongings you have more time for the more important things in your life and living tiny is the same thing." -Sherri Robinson, 57
“The joys of parenthood. There’s so many stressful moments, but you have to enjoy the little times, the fun things. Put the technology away and enjoy parenting.” Theresa Griffin, 39
We asked: If you had to give a 40 minute presentation on any topic, but you had no time to prepare what would you talk about?