“The scent that really takes me back is the railroad. When I’m outside and you smell the tar, it takes me back.” - Brenda Ruiz, 45
“Magnolia is usually it. It’s subtle, but it is still kind of impactful. You know it when you smell it, but it’s not something you get to experience everywhere.” - Charlie Galvin, 36
“Coffee. It reminds me of my country —Cuba — and my grandma. I didn’t drink too much, but it reminds me of my grandma and my country and my place.” Charnie Reyes , 36
“Vanilla. It smells clean.” Fin, 52
“I’d have to say a baking cinnamon roll. It just makes me feel comfortable and cozy and homey. It’s just a warm feeling. It’s a comfort food.” - Marion Reinhardt, 76
We asked: What is your favorite scent?