“I’m going to go with the 70s. I like the 80s, but I feel like a lot of the 80s bands started in the 70s and just carried over. I listen to a lot of John Denver and Willie Nelson and that kind of folk music." Alexandria Athey, 21
“That’s hard. I’d have to say the 80s. We listened to it a lot when I was growing up. I’ll just turn on the 80s station and my kid will dance to it.” Brittany Dodd, 31
“The 70s. It’s the most diverse. There’s amazing country music and rock and you’ve got Michael Jackson coming onto the scene. If you’ve got Michael Jackson, you’ve got it.” Joe Merrin, 18
“I’m thinking maybe the early grunge era of music so the late 90s or early 2000s. That’s the music I grew up on. I love old rock, which would be my second favorite." Jordan Williams, 26
“The 40s. I started playing it for my mother-in-law and I just love it. It’s fun, it’s always bouncy and happy. I love the flapper dresses and the hats and everything that went with that decade.” Wenda Trunzo, 50s
We asked: If you could only listen to one decade of music for the rest of your life what would you choose?