“Today, going with to the hospital with Beth, this was my first time being a support system for someone who has been diagnosed with cancer. Oh and bringing her here to Krazy Kup. That was new for us as well.” Barbara Connor, 58
“I went to Moffitt for the very first time today.” Beth Geils, 58
“I made it my goal this school year to go out and talk to random kids and ask, ‘Hey how are you? How’s your day going?’ I typically stick to my group of friends so now I’ve been engaging with people.” Caroline Kelley, 17
“Last Friday I tried Boba tea for the first time. I tried the milk tea though, which I wasn’t a big fan of, but then I tried a fruit based tea and I really liked it. That was the most recent new thing.” Deanna Almon, 26
“In June I went to Portland and I legitimately went hiking in a real mountain for the first time. It was storming so I fell and got mud all over my clothes, but it was worth it because it was super cool.” Emmy Shouse, 16
“Last month I attended my first Toastmasters. It was nerve wracking in the beginning because you had to speak. That was my first time doing that and I was scared at first, but I got comfortable by the end of it.” Stephin Jacob, 24
We asked: What was the last new thing you did?