Krazy Kup hosted an ultimate challenge of the decades in its first Lip Sync Battle Saturday evening. The music loft was packed as attendees of all ages showed off their dance moves and faux singing skills in a 90s vs. 2000s music riff-off.
Six official contestants selected their favorite song that they felt encapsulated the novelty of their preferred decade and performed to a set of judges and the enthusiastic audience.
NSYNC, Mary J. Blige, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and more were brought to the floor. In-between sets audience members were pulled front in center to compete in decade themed games like trivia, finish the lyrics and more.
Ultimately, Stephen won the audience and the judges heart with his energetic rendition of “Party in the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus and was crowned winner of the inaugural event.
Frank Trunzo, owner of Krazy Kup, said this is only the first of many Lip Sync battles to come. For future events he recommends those who wish to participate RSVP in advance so they will be able to be slotted for the competition.