Plant City Observer

PHOTO GALLERY: 2017 Plant City Photo Archives Soiree

History was honored at the Plant City Photo Archives and History Center's annual soiree, An Evening of Picture Perfect Memories, Thursday, March 30. 

Photo Archives President Ed Verner and Executive Director Gil Gott presented the Improvement League of Plant City with its annual Heritage Award at the soiree. The award has been given out since 2004. 

Founded in 1982, the Improvement League of Plant City honors African-American history in the Winter Strawberry Capital of the World. In 2011, the organization opened the Bing Rooming House Museum on Allen Street. The building was named for former school teacher Janie Bing, who ran the Bing Rooming House and Seminole Restaurant. 

The Improvement League of Plant City is also partnered with Bealsville Inc., which works to restore the historic Glover School in the Bealsville community. 

The Florida Strawberry Festival received the Heritage Award in 2016. Festival President Dan Walden, Vice President Sandee Sytsma, General Manager Paul Davis and board members were present March 30 to present the award to the Improvement League.

Past recipients of the award include Al Berry, D.E. Bailey Jr., Mac Smith, Gladys Jeffcoat, Dr. Hal Brewer and Bill and Gwen Thomas, among others.

In addition to the awards ceremony, soiree attendees enjoyed a wine bar, a catered dinner, live piano music and a photo history quiz.

—Emily Topper 

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