Plant City Observer

PHOTO GALLERY: Little Miss Plant City 2014

Lacie Collins was crowned 2014 Little Miss Plant City at the 46th annual Little Miss Plant City Pageant April 5, at Plant City High School.

Lacie is joined on the 2014 court by First Maid Bailey Brock and court members Tabatha Spinks, Emmylou Varnum and Elizabeth West.

Thirty-seven Plant City girls competed in this year’s pageant, presented by the Plant City Junior Woman’s Club. Tampa Bay Lightning cheerleader and Knights Elementary teacher Crystal Romano served as mistress of ceremonies, while Michael Cameron, founder of Cameron Financial Management, served as master of ceremonies.

The pageant also included a final farewell to 2013 Little Miss Plant City Emma Showalter, First Maid Giselle Gutierrez and court members Payton Talavera, Rylee Vanstronder and Amanda Astrike.

Click here for a gallery of the Top 10.

Click here for a gallery of the Stage Presence Competition.

Click here for a gallery of the Interview Competition.

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