Nate Kilton, one of three Plant City residents running for the available City Commission seat, held his kick-off campaign event Tuesday, March 1, at Johnson Barbeque. Attendees enjoyed a catered breakfast and learning about Kilton’s campaign.
Kilton is a financial advisor and accountant with Sedita Kilton Life & Wealth Management LLC, and Sedita Kilton & Company, Certified Public Accountants, PL. Kilton is a certified public accountant and financial planner, and is involved with GracePoint Church, the Rotary Club of Plant City, the Plant City EDC and the Plant City Planning Board.
At the event, Kilton announced that all five current City Commissioners had endorsed his campaign.
“I’m called to serve and prepared to lead,” Kilton said.
Kilton noted his financial background and current involvement with many Plant City organizations as reasons he had decided to run for the available seat.
Kilton is running against La Red Ministries Pastor Ricky Coronado and former law enforcement officer David Cook. Election day is Tuesday, April 5.
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