This year’s Planes, Trains and Automobiles event, set for Saturday, Feb. 25, is bigger than ever before.
Brett Clancy didn’t anticipate how the direction of his or his son’s life would change when they attended Plant City’s first Planes, Trains and Automobiles event eight years ago. Now, he can’t imagine life without the annual auto extravaganza.
“Planes, Trains is forever in the lore of the Clancy family,” Brett Clancy said. “It’s been huge.”
Eight years ago, Planes, Trains and Automobiles founder Jason Jones presented the idea for the event to the Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce. Jones wanted to put together a free, family-friendly event at the Plant City Airport that could appeal to everyone.
“I saw that we had really, really nice airport, and we didn’t have an event there,” Jones said. “I just wanted a nice, family event where kids and their families could come out and we’d have something for everybody.”
Jones, an Eagle Scout, worked to include an opportunity for Boy Scouts to achieve badges at the event through taking flight in an airplane ride.
During that first year, Brett Clancy was a local Scout master. His son, Liam, was part of the troop.
When they entered the airport that day, Brett Clancy said, Liam was a car guy.
At the time, that wasn’t unexpected — it was in Liam Clancy’s blood. Brett Clancy owns a Christian Brothers Automotive shop. But by the time they left, Liam Clancy had a newfound love for aviation, one that would continue to grow into a career.

Last April, the 20-year-old obtained a new title: Airman Liam Clancy of the United States Air Force.
Brett Clancy attributes his son’s sense of focus and passion for all things air to his first plane ride at the inaugural Planes, Trains and Automobiles event.
By the time he graduated from the Central Florida Aviation Academy in 2015, Liam Clancy had irrigated an airfield, learned to fly and refurbished a 1953 Piper L-18C Super Cub to brand new condition. He continued to work on planes that summer and joined the Air Force shortly after.
“The biggest thing is watching your kid develop a vision and turn that into a passion,” Brett Clancy said. “It’s been an outstanding thing for him. It really gave him a vision for himself. If they’ve got a vision, even if that vision changes, they don’t get into trouble.”
Planes, Trains and Automobiles will return for Saturday, Feb. 25, at Plant City Airport. Bigger than ever before, this year’s event includes model trains, static-displayed planes and helicopters, monster trucks, a play areas for kids, food trucks, scouting activities for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and plane rides for children and teens. The cost of admission is free, and parking is $5 per car.
“That first year, we weren’t even sure if anyone was going to show up,” Brett Clancy said. “It was huge. It’s a great Plant City event. It just captures everything. Anybody who’s even thinking about going, check it out. There’s something for everyone.”
Contact Daniel Figueroa IV at dfigueroa@plantcityobserver.com.