Plant City Observer

Plant City Area Democrats host Blue Wave Dinner

Headlined with a speech by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Philip Levine, the Plant City Area Democratic Club’s first annual Blue Wave Dinner brought many election candidates to Bealsville on Saturday evening.

Held at the historic Glover School, the dinner also featured speeches from R. David Walker, candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture, and Sean Shaw, candidate for Attorney General. Local candidates running for election in 2018 were invited to attend.

Levine, the former Mayor of Miami Beach, spoke about the progress he made in that city while in office and stressed the need to, in his own words, “walk the walk” rather than “talk the talk” when it comes to policy. Citing the name of the dinner event — a “blue wave” of Democratic candidates — Levine said he believes Democratic candidates will be successful in the “purple” state’s 2018 elections.

“People say it’s gonna be a ‘blue wave,’” Levine said. “Heck, I hope it’s gonna be a ‘blue tsunami.’”

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