Plant City Observer

Plant City Christian Center hosts annual seminar for women

Women in Plant City are invited to a seminar Saturday, Jan. 24, where they can learn about how to stay emotionally, physically and financially healthy in 2015 and beyond.

This is Plant City Christian Center’s fifth annual year of hosting a seminar for women, and the theme is “It Is Well.”

“It’s designed as an empowerment seminar for women,” Pauline Rivers, a pastor at Plant City Christian Center, said. “It’s focused on their personal development, it’s focused on empowering them and giving them a forum for talking about some of the personal issues that they deal with, and being set free from those.”

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Four local speakers will address topics such as: healthy self-concept, healthy relationships, healthy bodies and healthy finances. Rivers selected the speakers based on knowing them from local ministries, or learning from them in previous workshops.

“The ladies who are speaking do have a background in ministry, so a lot of the principles will be faith-based, but really the strategies are practical, everyday strategies,” Rivers said.

The format of the seminar will be one collective group of attendees, and each speaker will discuss her topic for about 40 minutes. There will be a snack break after the first two speakers. When all of the sessions are complete, Rivers will speak for about 15 minutes to tie the day’s topics together, and teach the women how to create an action plan and apply what they have learned to their everyday lives.

As women are on their way out, they can stop by a series of table displays to visit representatives of groups that provide services to women, such as a domestic violence ministry, the Department of Health and a fitness group.

“That’s something different that we’re doing this year, because the focus is on health,” Rivers said.

Though the event is free, registration is limited to 95 guests and is filling quickly. To register, contact Rivers at (813) 759-0260 or


Date: 9 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.  Saturday, Jan. 24

Cost: Free, but registration is required by Monday, Jan. 19.

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To register, contact: Pauline Rivers, (813) 759-0260,

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