The Plant City Civitan Club celebrated 60 years of history and service at its meeting Thursday, Nov. 20.
The club’s motto is “Builders of Good Citizenship,” and it has lived up to it. In the last 60 years, the club has financially sponsored or personally served Meals On Wheels, United Food Bank of Plant City, Civitan Little League Team, Stepping Stone Farm, Florida Baptist Children’s Home and many other organizations.
Although none of the club’s current members were there at that first meeting in November 1954, some of the longtime members who attended the anniversary meeting this year were James Jones, who has been in the club for 52 years, and club president, Pat Pogue.
“I joined the Civitan Club in 1989, and I did because the club does so much in this community, and I wanted to be a part of all of the excitement that I saw with the members,” Pogue said.
As special guests at the club’s monthly breakfast meeting at Buddy Freddy’s, Mayor Rick Lott and City Manager Mike Herr addressed the club members.
Lott pointed out ways that Civitan members have impacted his life throughout the decades, as well as the lives of others in the community. Lott remembered Jones was his principal when he was a student at Tomlin Middle School. And Jeanne Knotts, a current member and adviser of the Junior Civitan Club at Plant City High School, was one of Lott’s sister’s best friends when they were in high school.
“We all need each other to build a successful community. … It’s amazing to see how our lives intertwine,” Lott said. “For us to be a strong community, we have to serve, and for 60 years, you have served our community.”
One of the club’s foci is supporting youth in the community, through initiatives such as its Youth Parade each year at the Florida Strawberry Festival. Each holiday season, members of the club offer a Christmas party for students with disabilities at J.S. Robinson Elementary School. And, at the end of each school year, with other civic clubs, Civitan recognizes honor students at Tomlin Middle School during an event called Pride of Tomlin.
Civitan also sponsors junior clubs at Plant City and Durant high schools. Some of the junior members attended the 60th anniversary meeting before heading off to school last Thursday.
Jackson Hardee is president of the club at PCHS.
“I joined the club to do community service and help my friends from school help the community, also,” Hardee said.
The chapter at PCHS serves at Romp in the Swamp, collects canned goods for the food bank and feeds the homeless once a month at Courier Field.
At the Plant City Commission meeting Monday, Nov. 24, Lott again recognized the club for its 60 years of service to the community.
Civitan Youth Parade
The annual Civitan Youth Parade won’t be until Feb. 28, 2015, but the Civitan Club already is accepting applications for entries.
For 2015 Youth Parade applications go to FLStrawberryFestival.com, click on “contest rules” and scroll down to 2015 Youth Parade.
All schools, school PTSAs, clubs, churches and groups involved with youth are encouraged to enter the Youth Parade. Non-profit youth groups and clubs are also urged to enter the “float building” competition. In addition to the activity of building a float and being in the parade, you could win a trophy and $100 cash for your club, school, youth group or organization. All applications will be considered on a first come, first serve basis as received for float building sponsorship by the Plant City Civitan Club. Local businesses also are sought to be in sponsors for a float
Contact club president Pat Pogue at (813) 754-4680 or email ppogue1559@aol.com.
Contact Catherine Sinclair at csinclair@plantcityobserver.com.