Commissioners are taking care of business

The City of Plant City Commission meeting opened with a prayer by Pastor Dennis Roebuck of the First United Methodist Church, for wisdom for the decisions that would be made by the Commission that night. In a refreshing show of patriotism, the assembly then stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Nathan A. Kilton chaired the meeting. City Commission members contribute to the proceedings, ask questions, discuss and debate items on the agenda, and vote. In attendance were Vice Mayor Mary T. Mathis, Commissioner Jason M. Jones, Commissioner William D. Dodson, City Manager Bill McDaniel, City Attorney Kenneth W. Buchman, and City Clerk Kerri J. Miller. At several points in the meeting the floor is offered to the public to comment or ask questions.
The meeting began with three proclamations.
First, the Commission recognized April 21-27 as National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. The first recognition of victims’ rights was proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1981. The proclamation reads, in part: “…National Crime Victims’ Rights Week provides an opportunity to recognize the importance of crime victims’ services; to ensure that crime victims have access to services and support; and to promote discussion on how communities, organizations, and professionals can work together to reach all victims….” State Attorney Susan “Suzy” Lopez and Christopher Jeffords – Victim Counselor with the Victims Assistance Program, accepted the proclamation.
The second proclamation recognized May 2 as the National Day of Prayer. In 1775 the Continental Congress proclaimed the first National Day of Prayer. Abraham Lincoln restored the Day during the Civil War, but the observance fell off afterwards. Congress revived the National Day of Prayer in 1952 and it has been observed every year since then. The proclamation states, in part, “…America was founded on the principles of religious faith and freedom, and throughout the history of our State and Nation, Americans have humbly prayed to God for guidance and comfort where needed and have given thanks to God for the many blessings bestowed on this Nation since its inception….encourage all citizens to gather together on that day in homes and places of worship to pray, each after his or her own manner, for unity of the hearts of all mankind….” Norm Blanton and Pastor Joe Kelley accepted the proclamation.

The final proclamation recognized Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Proclamation reads, in part, “…Plant City’s future prosperity depends on nurturing the healthy development of the children currently living, growing, and learning within our diverse communities….research shows that parents and caregivers who have social networks and know how to seek help in times of trouble are more resilient and better able to provide safe environments and nurturing experiences for their children….children subjected to adverse childhood experiences are at a higher risk of short and long-term physical, psychological, and behavioral challenges that can impact the child, as well as the community….all children have the right to grow and reach their full potential in safe and secure homes, neighborhoods and communities, and it is incumbent on each resident of our community to value, nurture, support and advocate for our children’s well-being….urge all citizens to join in the observance by supporting individual and community activities whose purpose is to strengthen families and provide for healthy child development….”

Dexter Lewis, Director of Public Relations for the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County, accepted the proclamation. Mr. Lewis highlighted the Pinwheels for Prevention Campaign which has placed pinwheels around the county as a sign to engage communities in a coordinated effort to prevent child abuse and neglect.
By virtue of the authority vested in him, Mayor Kilton signed each of these proclamations on behalf of the City of Plant City.
The City Commission efficiently used the Commission meeting time to work through reports of officers, boards, and committees, and public hearings.
The public hearing items addressed are listed below.
A legislative public hearing on an ordinace for a map amendment PC/CPA located on the southwest corner of County Line Road and Medulla Road.
A quasi-judicial public hearing on an ordinance to rezone 5.7 acres located at the southwest corner of County Line Road and Medulla Road from Hillsborough County Agriculture Single Family-1 to City of Plant City C-1A Neighborhood Business District.
A legislative public hearing on an ordinance to establish the Varrea North Community Development District (CDD).
The second and final legislative public hearing on an ordinance amending Division 6 of Article IV of Chapter 102, Plant City Code regarding the R-2 Zoning district. The purpose of amending the text is to remove the special approvals for day nurseries, churches, publicly-owned or operated businesses, schools, construction offices, and townhouses. Another purpose is to move the regulations for townhouses to another section of the Plant City Code.
A resolution setting a legislative public hearing on an ordinance for map amendment PC/CPA 23-01 located on Baptist Church Road.
A resolution setting a quasi-judicial public hearing on an ordinance to rezone 40 acres located on Baptist Church Road, south of Alexander Street, from Hillsborough County Agriculture Single Family-1 to Plant City Planned Development District.
A legislative public hearing on an ordinance amending Section 30-151, Plant City Code regarding inoperable or wrecked motor vehicles. The ordinance language to be amended such that leaving wrecked or inoperable vehicles along any portion of public right-of-ways is prohibited. The ordinance already includes a 72-hour grace period. Also, the language addressing service and repair vehicles and antique vehicles for pick up was amended to specify the exceptions apply only to vehicles located on private property.
A resolution approving the purchase of video management software to upgrade for Traffic Operations. The cost of the software is $67.837.89. Funds for this purchase are currently available in the budget.