Plant City commissioners also approve purchase of professional development training for supervisory staff and a radar message sign.
City commissioners convened this week at their bimonthly meeting at City Hall to discuss and pass several resolutions affecting the function of the city government.
Commissioners authorized the city manager to advise Hillsborough County’s property appraiser of the city’s proposed millage rate, of its rolled back rate and of the date, time and place at which a public hearing will be held to consider the proposed millage rate and the tentative budget for next fiscal year.
According to the Certification of Taxable Value document sent to the city by the property appraiser’s office, the city saw a $380 million increase in taxable value of real, personal and centrally assessed property, which may generate $2.177 million in ad valorem tax revenue for the city.
The proposed millage rate as computed by the commission is 5.7157 mills ($5.7157 per $1,000 of assessed property valuation) and the rolled back rate is 5.2175 mills ($5.2175 per $1,000 of assessed property valuation). A public hearing has been scheduled to consider the proposed millage rate, which is the same as last year’s rate, and the tentative budget on Monday, September 11 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall.
In line with their commitment to fostering transparency, the commission encourages public input and feedback during its budget workshop, scheduled for Monday, August 14 at 5 p.m. at City Hall.
McDaniel made the announcement that on July 19, Moody’s Investors Services assigned the City of Plant City a credit rating of Aa2, reflective of a robust financial position, an extremely small debt burden and a moderate pension liability with a healthy economy and tax base.
“The rating is indicative of strong fiscal management and operational management and that all comes down to the bottom line of how we effectively use tax resources,” he said.
Mayor Nate Kilton concurred with McDaniel’s remarks. “We have a great operation here in Plant City and are great stewards of what we have and spend tax dollars wisely,” he said.
The commission meeting included a presentation by Director of Human Resources and Risk Management Cristi Charlow, who advocated for a foundational leadership program through Wood Consulting, LLC. The training for 45 supervisory staff members would consist of eight 1.5-day training sessions over the course of eight months. The cost of the training is $44,000. Charlow, per city code requirements, also asked the commission to dispense with the necessity of competitive award requirements since the training is highly specialized and unique to the city.
Commissioner Jason Jones made a motion to adopt the resolution authorizing the training which was seconded by Commissioner Mary Mathis. It passed with a vote of five to zero.
Plant City Police Department (PCPD) Captain Robert McLellan gave a presentation to commissioners regarding the proposed use of Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: FY2023 Local Solicitation funds totaling $16,833. PCPD requested the grant, authorized for law enforcement purposes, be used to acquire a SpeedAlert 24 Radar Message Sign for $17,740.69. The difference between the cost of the sign and the grant, $907.69, would be paid from an existing Police Department account.
Commissioner Michael Sparkman made a motion to adopt the resolution approving the proposed use of the grant for the sign which was seconded by Commissioner Jason Jones. It passed with a vote of five to zero.
The next City Commission meeting is Monday, August 14 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall.