The Plant City Community Chorale is looking for new singers in preparation for its 2014 Christmas concert, A Family Christmas Festival.
PCCC invites singers of all musical backgrounds and abilities to join others drawn to inspiring and engaging choral work. The 2014 Christmas Season enrollment begins Monday, Aug. 25.
Members range in age from 25 to 78. Their choral experience and abilities to read music include beginners and very accomplished singers. The group is particularly looking for tenors, baritones and basses.
Singers who are willing to commit to weekly rehearsals and the scheduled performances should come to the first rehearsal at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 25, at First Presbyterian Church, 404 Reynolds St., Plant City. Thereafter, rehearsals are from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Mondays.
For more information about PCCC, visit pccommunitychorale.com.