As of last week, Kasie Durden was lying in a hospital bed, ventilator tubes down her throat. She had been in a horrible accident with her husband, Jeremy, just after midnight on Feb. 8. Durden suffered a broken neck and bruised spinal cord, among many other injuries. At first, she didn’t even know Jeremy had died.
The news of the Interstate 4 rollover had traveled through social circles around Plant City throughout the night and into the morning.
Now, friends in Plant City are hosting a yard sale, a barrel run speed show and have started an online fundraiser to help with medical costs.
The Durdens were celebrating Kasie’s 28th birthday at Applebee’s in Plant City on that rainy evening. While they were headed back home to Brandon on Interstate 4, Jeremy lost control of his 2009 Ford F-250. The vehicle traveled off the roadway and overturned several times in the median. Both were ejected from vehicle, according to Florida Highway Patrol reports.
“She has a long road to recovery,” friend Chelsea Bryant Canchola said.
Canchola has known Kasie for 13 years. She woke up to a number of panicked texts the morning after the car accident. Her father asked if Canchola heard about her friend. And even worse, that Jeremy had died.
“It was like, ‘Well, Are you awake?’” Canchola said. “Very shaken up. Is it real life? It still doesn’t seem realistic.”
Canchola, her cousin, Erika Smith, and friend, Kim Shivers, have spearheaded events to help the Durdens with medical costs and other services. Canchola hasn’t been able to visit Kasie in the hospital, but Smith has. Canchola said Smith has told her Kasie is now showing movement in her right arm. She already has had neck surgery to repair to spots in her neck that were broken. The doctors don’t know the extent of her injuries, because she is so swollen.
Kasie has a son, Austin, 10, and Jeremy and Kasie together have a 3-year-old, Jared. The couple met four years ago at the Lakeland Mudhole. They married March 11, 2011. The couple liked to mudsling, fish and go to the beach.
“They were very much in love,” Canchola said. “They were always together. They were newlyweds.”
On the same day of the accident, Jeremy and Jared visited Kasie at her office, bringing her three roses. The three buds stood for each one of her boys. Jeremy also got her a diamond Fossil watch.
“You met (Jeremy) and you liked him,” Canchola said. “You loved him. He was fun to be around.”
Contact Amber Jurgensen at ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com.
WHEN: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 15
WHERE: Southern Hospitality parking lot, 1709 James L. Redman Parkway, Plant City
INFORMATION: Organizers will be taking donations prior to the event. They are looking for clothing, household items, toys, furniture, etc. Proceeds with help the Durdens with the medical costs of Kasie’s recovery. For donations or more information contact Chelsea Bryant Canchola at cbryant119@gmail.com or Kim Shivers at kimshivers143@gmail.com.
WHEN: 7 p.m. Saturday, March 1; sign-ups at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Turkey Creek Stables, 5534 S. Turkey Creek Road
COST: To ride in all events, $20; raffles are $1 for one or $5 for seven; spectators and parking are free.
WEBSITE: https://m.facebook.com/events /708411289190085
There is also an online fundraiser for the couple which will go to medical and other costs. The page is hosted by Go Fund Me, gofundme.com/6r6jyc.