New clear windows will afford a better view of the antique fire truck.
The 1927 American LaFrance Fire Engine, resting behind tinted glass in a bay at Fire Station 3, located at 1710 North Park Road near the Mike E. Sansone Park, is about to see the light.
The city commission approved a job order at last week’s commission meeting to replace Fire Station 3’s bay windows for $103,877.63. The cost of the project includes $81,316 of General Fund revenue and $24,000 from the city’s Capital Improvement Budget (CIP).
Austin Construction Group, Inc. will remove and replace the antique bay storefront windows, which block the view of the antique truck, leak when it rains and weren’t properly installed, with clear glass windows so the truck will be visible from the road, which was part of the original rendering of the building. In addition, other windows will be caulked and repaired.
The 8,400 square foot, three-bay station was constructed by West Construction Group for approximately $3 million. Plant City Fire Rescue has been operating out of the building since January 2021. When city leaders identified construction issues prior to completion, they took financial action. “The windows were problematic due to a combination of design, manufacturing and installation issues,” said City Manager Bill McDaniel. “This problem was identified prior to completion of construction and appropriate financial retention was applied to help address the correction of these issues.”
A majority of the funds used to make the repairs is coming from money the city held back from the original contractor.
Fire Chief David Burnett is eager for the repairs of the new first station to be completed quickly.
“We look forward to not having water intrusion into the antique bay area,” he said. “Additionally, the new windows will allow for better visibility of the 1927 antique fire truck on display.”
The anticipated completion date is August 2023.