Some city streets to get a facelift as part of this three-year project.
To pave or not to pave, that is the question.
Actually, when city engineers and planners are discussing which roads get repaved and when, the question requires much consideration and millions of dollars. A lot of planning goes into these decisions, including the current condition of pavement and underlying base material and need for repair of underlying drinking water and sanitary sewer utilities. When the projects are scheduled, they’re grouped by similar types of work and distributed throughout the many neighborhoods in the city.
Potholes, cracks, fractures and various other types of damage are unpleasant and dangerous and require decision-makers to recognize the need for repairs. Plant City’s decision-makers are aware of the need and working to make the needed repairs. City officials have planned out three years’ worth of street resurfacing projects to fix the damaged roadways.
“A well maintained road not only provides a smooth driving surface but it also protects the road base structure from costly water damage,” said Plant City senior engineer Frank Coughenour. “Well maintained roads and infrastructure also help foster a sense of community pride.”
In fiscal year 2021-2022, approximately nine miles of asphalt on 53 city streets will be resurfaced at a project budget of $2.7 million. The job is currently out for construction bids. It’s anticipated that work will be completed between Jan. 2023 and May 2023.
In fiscal year 2022-2023, almost 10.5 miles of asphalt on 55 streets will be resurfaced at a projected budget of $2.5 million. This project is in the design phase but it’s expected to be out to bid by Jan. 2023 with construction being completed between Mar. 2023 and Sept. 2023. Depending on actual construction costs, some of these street segments may be deferred to the next fiscal year.
In fiscal year 2023-2024, almost 14.5 miles of 87 streets will be resurfaced at a projected cost of approximately $6 million. This project, which will begin a focused effort to address the remaining unpaved roads in the city, will also include Collins Street and James L. Redman Parkway from East Alsobrook Street to Alexander Street. Community involvement will be sought as city officials consider alternatives to conventional asphalt paving. This project is in the design phase and will be out to bid in Sept. 2023 with construction expected to be completed between Dec. 2023 and May 2024.
“Fiscal year 2023-2024 is an ambitious list of projects and it’s likely some of the street segments may be deferred to the following year depending on actual construction costs,” said Coughenour.
For more information or questions, email Coughenour at fcoughenour@plantcitygov.com.