Plant City Observer

Plant City High School’s 2024 Valedictorian: Alexa Vasquez-Cortez

When did you find out you are your classes’ valedictorian? How did you react?

The way I found out I was valedictorian was in a very unorthodox way to say the least. I ended up finding out though my peers which honestly took me by surprise considering that I liked to keep my ranking a secret, but it was later confirmed at my school’s senior breakfast which honestly still felt so surreal. Even to this day it still feels that way. I never thought I would be in this position but I am extremely grateful for it all.

What is something you wish you knew about high school before entering as a freshman?

I wish I knew it wasn’t as intimidating as people made it out to be. I feel like there’s this social pressure when it comes to high school with expectations that make us terrified for the future. But after living through it all, I can definitely say it’s not that scary. 

What is your favorite high school memory?

My favorite high school memory has got to be all of the Hispanic heritage assemblies that I was able to participate in. I was able to embrace my culture and meet amazing people along the way. 

What is the most important lesson you learned from a teacher or another student while in high school?

One of the most important lessons I learned would be to live life with no regrets. Take chances, ask questions, and be persistent with what you would like to achieve. Because at the end of the day the worst that can happen is being able to say that you at least tried.

What extracurricular activities did you participate in? What was your favorite and why?

I participated in my school’s Spanish Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, National Honor Society, Latin Quarters, and Key Club. But my favorite would have to be Spanish Honor Society. I had the honor of being part of its leadership group the first year it was established at my school, and even became the first to win a gold medal the first year we competed in the National Spanish exams. 

What are your plans after high school and your career goals?

I plan to attend Florida State University after high school where I will be studying biomedical engineering so that I can then, in turn, work on advancing prosthetics for kids. 

What advice would you give students to help them improve their grades?

Think about your future and how you want it to look. Find your motivation, work hard, and go for it!

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