Plant City Observer

Plant City High School’s Salutatorian: Michaela Arroyo

When did you find out you are your classes’ salutatorian? How did you react?

I discovered I was the salutatorian during my senior breakfast in late February when the top ten was announced. I had somewhat of an idea where I would place, but it was still such a shock because I knew it was a close race between all of us.

What is something you wish you knew about high school before entering as a freshman?

Before stepping into freshman year, I wish someone really convinced me that high school flies by in a blink. Sure, they said it, but I didn’t believe it. Now with graduation just weeks away, the reality has hit me. Balancing fun with academics is key, but truly, cherish every moment—it all goes by way too fast.

What is your favorite high school memory?

My high school years are filled with memorable moments, from the excitement at football games to the fun at school dances. But if I had to pick a favorite, it would be the times I spent with my friends doing community service. It was the perfect mix of enjoying time with friends and giving back to our community. We participated in many events throughout the years, and those experiences are truly dear to me.

What is the most important lesson you learned from a teacher or another student while in high school?

The most valuable lesson I learned has been told to me by many of my teachers, which is the importance of self-compassion. They made me see that continuously being my own harshest critic wasn’t necessary, and that I should persevere even when motivation is at its lowest. Giving up isn’t an option because the regret of what could have been done is far worse than the struggle to push through.

What extracurricular activities did you participate in? What was your favorite and why?

Throughout high school, I was active in a variety of extra curriculars such as Key Club, Leo Club, Letters for Rose, and HOSA. I was also part of the National Honor Society, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, senior council, and the varsity golf team. It’s challenging to choose a favorite because each activity contributed to my personal growth in unique ways. The community service clubs were particularly rewarding as they aligned with my passion for giving back to the community, but I also found great value in the honor societies and my involvement in the council.

What are your plans after high school and your career goals?

After high school, I plan to attend the University of Florida to pursue a career in the medical field. I’m leaning towards becoming either a Forensic Nurse or a Forensic Medical Examiner. Go Gators!

What advice would you give students to help them improve their grades?

As a salutatorian, my advice to students aiming to improve their grades and reach the top of their class is that it’s important to stay persistent and never give up. Embrace the challenges that come your way, as they provide valuable opportunities for growth. Don’t hesitate to seek help when you need it and surround yourself with peers who motivate you and share similar academic goals. Stay dedicated, work hard, and remember that your efforts will pay off in the long run.

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