To make a full-length feature film on a $25,000 budget may seem impossible. But one Plant City man is ready to take on the challenge.
Taylor Frost and a crew based in Los Angeles will be shooting a period piece in Central Florida this winter.
The psychological thriller will take place in 1968, in rural Florida. Producers had much of the necessary resources and equipment from their company, Girl Pants Productions, and other projects. But, for the film to be historically accurate, the creators want to use part of the budget for wardrobe and sets.
They started a Kickstarter campaign to raise a minimum of $3,000. So far, they’ve raised less than one-third of their goal.
The script calls for two cars from the 1960s. Frost already has one, a 1961 Austin Healey, but he still needs a police car, a bicycle, furniture and miscellaneous items, such as cigarettes, Bibles and baking soda.
“It’s a wonderful script,” Frost said. “It has a very large twist at the end. It made me gasp out loud when I read it.”
The production title of the film is “War Cake.” The story follows 18-year-old Judith Hall and her struggle with the conservative and societal pressures of her small town. The coming-of-age journey twists Judith into a tragic descent of delusion.
The film will be shot in Tampa, Orlando, Melbourne and other places. In Plant City, locations will include a barn and a lake. Frost found the barn by talking with friends. It will be used for a party scene.
“It does help to be local,” Frost said. “I didn’t have to go door-to-door asking if anyone had a barn. I could just say, ‘I know you ride horses, do you know of any barns?’”
One place Frost couldn’t nail down was the Cornerstone Community building. He loved the location but in the end couldn’t get in touch with anyone to schedule a time.
Shooting is scheduled to take place from Jan. 3 to 18.
“We’re trying to get a detailed schedule down with travel time,” Frost said. “It doesn’t look like we’re going to sleep much. It’s going to be a wonderful adventure.”
Frost met the team from Girl Pants while going to school and working in Orlando. Stephen Vanderpool wrote the script for “War Cake.” Alex Hluch and Nick Giomouso, of Girl Pants, also will be involved.
Girl Pants formed about 18 months ago. The company created a web series, “Dr. What,” a parody of Dr. Who. It’s creators then left for Los Angeles. It was Frost that enticed them back to Florida, with a hankering for a new project.
The team spent the summer looking through scripts to find the perfect one.
After finishing “War Cake,” Frost plans to submit it to film festivals around the world. The costs raised from Kickstarter also would help absorb submission costs.
“We’re up for the challenge,” Frost said.
Contact Amber Jurgensen at ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com.
To help make War Cake become a reality, visit the Kickstarter page.
The deadline to donate is Jan. 1, 2014. With each donation, donors will receive a special gift.