Happy New Year! With the start of the new year, the Plant City Observer is starting a new, old venture. First let’s delve into the background.
The Plant City Observer was born from the minds of a small group of Plant City residents. Their mission was to build a local paper, a hyperlocal voice, to keep residents informed of happenings in Plant City and also to introduce residents to the people that call Plant City home. At the onset, the group teamed up with the Observer Media Group and their CEO, Matt Walsh, to bring this dream to reality. OMG was and still is very successful in publishing weekly newspapers throughout Florida. For six and half years its team provided a strong base, helping build the Plant City Observer up so it could prosper and stand on its own.
Now, as of this issue on January 3, 2019, we are standing on our own. The Plant City Observer is 100 percent Plant City owned. The original core is still in place — Ed Verner, Felix Haynes and Nate Kilton— and along the way I joined the group. We live, work and raise families right here in Plant City. In addition, the entire staff lives in Plant City. We are committed to bringing you the best news in a timely manner.
What does this mean to you? Hopefully you have noticed the design changes. We have a new masthead, although the name will remain the same. We will continue to connect you to events and issues that are important to you and our community in a paper that will continue to be better with each issue. We act as an advocate and give your views a voice. We deliver local news and information about our community that you can’t find anywhere else.
Plant City has a thriving community, one that too often goes overlooked. It is crucial to us those hidden stories continue to be told, that those who open their hearts to others don’t go unrecognized. Our city has unwavering traditions, but is also on the verge of a new tomorrow. So much is on the horizon and we look forward to keeping you up to date on all of the latest decisions and news to come out of the city.
Whether it’s giving an inside look at the Florida Strawberry Festival or monitoring the city as it paves the way for future development, our weekly issues offer the latest analysis on the state of the city.
Every Thursday a new print edition is delivered throughout the city and breaking news is updated daily online.
As we say hello to 2019, we bid a grateful goodbye to the Observer Media Group.
Please let us know how we may serve you, our community, better. We encourage your input. Follow us online at our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts for the latest news and updates on the city we all hold so dear.
Please email us at info@plantcityobserver.com. We look forward to continuing our commitment to serve Plant City.
We are proud to be your hometown community newspaper.
Karen Berry
Facebook: Plant City Observer
Instagram: @plcobserver
Twitter: @PlantObserver