Plant City Photo Archives & History Center Screening of “The Loving Story” — screening takes place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, at Bruton Memorial Library, 302 W. McLendon St. The screening is the third in the center’s film series, “Created Equal: America’s Civil Rights Struggle.”
The documentaries include riveting new footage illustrating the history of the civil rights movement in America. “The Loving Story” chronicles Mildred and Richard Loving, who were arrested in July 1958, in Virginia, for violating a state law that banned marriage between people of different races. The documentary brings to life the Lovings’ marriage and the legal battle that followed through little-known filmed interviews and photographs shot for Life magazine. The film narrates the lives of Mildred and Richard Loving and their fight for the recognition of their marriage, all the way to the Supreme Court.
This landmark ruling led to the overturning of miscegenation laws in 15 states. Dr. Maribeth Mobley, professor of humanities at Hillsborough Community College, will facilitate further discussion on the film by providing an overview of the issues brought out by the film and leading the discussion following the film. She will be joined by Library Director Anne Haywood.
For more, call the center, (813) 754-1578 or visit the website, plantcityphotoarchives.org.