PCPD receives three radar detectors because of its participation in enhanced Law Enforcement Engagement Program.
Not everyone will be happy that the Plant City Police Department received recognition on Oct. 27 for its participation in the Florida Department of Transporta- tion’s (FDOT) Enhanced Law Enforcement Engagement program, a six month long program focused on enhanced speed traf- fic enforcement.
The award? Three TruSpeed S laser radar devices featuring split-second speed- capture, courtroom credibility and pin- point targeting to equip officers to detect speed at long distances.
Speeders, you’ve been warned.
The program provided law enforcement agencies with opportunities to demon- strate how they promote traffic safety enforcement within their communities and target specific violations on state roadways documenting the outcomes of their efforts. Enforcement of traffic safety laws is used to reduce traffic crashes, seri- ous injuries and fatalities and help stop speeding, aggressive driving and impaired drivers.
To participate in the program, and as its regular call volume permitted, PCPD offi-
cers conducted traffic enforcement along local and state roads throughout Plant City. For every two hours with three offi- cers conducting traffic enforcement, the Department earned 10 points. At the end of the program PCPD had accumulated 250 points that determined the traffic equip- ment they received.
“It’s important to note there wasn’t quotas or stipulations regarding the out- come of the traffic stop,” said PCPD cor- poral Jason Fowler. “Each officer has the discretion to complete a citation or issue a warning during any traffic stop.”
Through FDOT’s partnership with PCPD and other neighboring law enforce- ment agencies, Hillsborough County and its surrounding counties has seen a more than 11% reduction in traffic crash fatali- ties.
Handing out tickets wasn’t its focus.
“Our end goal is to ensure roadways are safer for all of our citizens and visitors,” said Fowler. “We want everyone to arrive at their destinations safely.”
To that end, it reminds drivers to be mindful of traffic laws, drive at safe speeds, obey traffic signs and refrain from aggres- sive driving. PCPD continues to conduct traffic enforcement to further reduce traf- fic crashes on Plant City’s roadways.