The increase is $17 million above last year.
The City of Plant City made public its proposed budget for next year with an increase of $17 million. The 2023-2024 budget was $108,779,353 and the new number for 2024-2025 is $125,925,917—a 15.8% increase. “There is quite a bit of increased capital spending, which means we are investing in the community,” said City Manager, Bill McDaniel. “Capital expenditures are how we build things, or we do major projects. There are increases like the road surface funding. The money we are putting into utilities and storm water has increased. So, you have a big increase in capital expenditures.” Hillsborough County’s Community Investment Tax will provide Plant City with $3,125,400 for construction and renovation projects.

Part of the funding for the city comes from property taxes. With a majority vote, the city commissioners could have raised the millage rate to 5.8428, however, they left the rate at 5.7157. Property taxes aren’t the only source of funding for operations. The city collects sales tax, franchise fees, and impact fees, among other revenue sources. “We are in a position, where, because of the totality of the budget circumstances, we are fiscally sound,” commented McDaniel. “We are able to have a balanced budget, and meet all of the needs we have for the city. So we don’t need to raise the millage rate on our property owners and taxpayers.”
Another bright spot in the city’s finances is the debt for both the Nettie Berry Draughon Municipal Building (AKA City Hall) and the Michael S. Sparkman Police Center were paid off on September 3. City Hall was built in 2000, and the price tag cost the city $10 million. The 64,000 square-foot Police Center renovation took place in 2005. The cost of $9.3 million included the purchase of additional adjacent land. “These were long-term debts, and it is really good that we are at the point where we paid them off,” said McDaniel. “And the other thing that is really good is that City Hall is a 25-year old building, and it is still in good shape. We take care of the assets that we are entrusted with.” Funds from Hillsborough County’s Community Investment Tax (CIT) paid for City Hall and a portion of the Police Center.

Items that increased the budget include the hiring of 17 new positions at a cost of $1,554,000, including sharing in health insurance costs, and other benefits. Below are the highlights of planned budget allocations:
A breakdown of General Fund allocations include:
• Police Department – $16,819,235, with $686,425 for capital items.
• Parks & Recreation Department – $9,732,475, with $1,339,375 for capital purchases.
• Fire Department – $9,624,371, with $263,622 for capital items.
• Library – $1,226,321, with $73,200 for books and material purchases.
A full 1.0 mil is dedicated solely to street resurfacing and related maintenance. The Street Fund provides for the following:
• Traffic – $1,849,513, with $356,000 for capital equipment and projects.
• Streets – $1,826,680, with $209,900 for capital improvements.
Money for enterprise utility services covers:
• Water/Sewer Fund – $29,730,309, which includes a 3% rate increase.
• Solid Waste Fund – $11,368,092, which includes a 3% rate increase.
• Storm Water Fund – $4,543,665, which includes a 3% rate increase.
For the Community Redevelopment Agency, the Plant City assessed valuation was $320,700,000, which made for a total budget of $3,660,376 that includes:
• $304,625 generated from the 1.0 mil for street resurfacing.
• $500,000 for parking lot construction at Alabama and Evers Streets.
• $500,000 for Collins Street Intersection Improvements.
• $500,000 toward the Canal Connector Ped-Bike Trail.
The Capital Improvement Program of $27,068,888 is an investment in Plant City to maintain the utility system, improve travel on roads throughout the City, provide aesthetically pleasing park spaces, and enhance the quality of life for residents and businesses:
• $4.5 million from the 1.0 mil property tax to resurface arterial roads, neighborhood streets, and to construct sidewalks.
• $750,000 to replace portable radios.
• $100,000 to begin the Community Aesthetic Features Gateway signage project.
Parks & Recreation projects:
• $500,000 toward the construction of a new Planteen Events Center.
• $450,000 toward the construction of a new Cemetery Department administration building.
• $250,000 for a mountain bike trail.
• $360,000 for a playground upgrade at the Randy Larson Four-Plex.
• $100,000 for a structural assessment of the Plant City Stadium.
• $75,000 to evaluate the Recreation Administration building for future building use.
• $650,000 for Mike Sansone Park baseball fence and dugout improvements.
Water and sewer infrastructure improvements:
• $6,345,000 to repair and replace lift stations, generators, pumps, water storage tanks, meters, and force mains that will improve water quality and provide an efficient system.
• $400,000 to evaluate sustainability and resilience of the City’s Water Reclamation Facility.
• $471,000 for sidewalks, bridges, handrails, guardrails, traffic signal equipment, and system upgrades.
• $200,000 to rehabilitate and repair storm water drainage pipes and inlets.
The final public hearing to adopt the Budget and Capital Improvement Plan will be held at the Regular Meeting of the City Commission on September 23, at 7:30 p.m. The floor will be opened for public comments.