Plant City Observer

Plant City teen charged with DUI manslaughter in crash

The Plant City Police Department’s Traffic Management Unit made an arrest in a February traffic crash that occurred on North Alexander Street near Interstate 4. 

The crash resulted in the death of motorist, Keith A. Davis, 52, of Plant City. Jennifer Carvajal was arrested Aug. 21 and was charged with DUI manslaughter and no valid drivers’ license. After the arrest, she was transported to Orient Road Jail.

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Carvajal was traveling north on North Alexander Street, when she hit the passenger side of Davis’ car at about 6:30 a.m.  Davis was coming off the eastbound exit ramp of Interstate 4. His car was propelled into a concrete barrier divider wall for North Alexander Street, reports stated.

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Carvajal’s car continued to travel into a pedestrian walk sign and a Plant City water main. From there, it traveled into some shrubs and a palm tree, knocking the palm tree down before coming to a final rest.

Carvajal was traveling at 55 mph, according to police reports. The posted speed is 45. She was transported to St. Joseph Hospital, in Tampa. Carvajal also was tested for drugs and alcohol. The blood tests were sent to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Officers initially heard Carvajal had taken her aunt’s vehicle without permission. But, the vehicle belonged to her mother, Edith Rosales. Her uncle, Marcel Rosales, co-signed for the car.

Investigators aren’t sure where Carvajal was headed so early in the morning, or if she was supposed to be driving the car. She and her mother have given limited cooperation with investigators. During an interview, they would not release a statement regarding her destination that morning.

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